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Ps-Political Science & Politics ; 2023.
Article in English | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-2327712


This study examines the division of labor among political scientists during different periods of the COVID-19 pandemic. The article explores the hypothesis that the pandemic increased inequalities, especially by exacerbating the burden of housework and care responsibilities for women. We ground our analysis on the results of two surveys conducted in Brazil: one shortly after the onset of the pandemic in June 2020;and the other, more recently, from March 2022, after the ending of social-distancing measures. Brazil is a relevant case study because it was an epicenter of the virus for many months. This public health crisis occurred while a denialist and authoritarian government was in power. Considering gender and race variables, the data show a transformation of the dynamics of time organization during the period. At the beginning of the pandemic, men-primarily white men-devoted more time to academic work;in 2022, the most substantive difference was one of race. We observed a greater convergence among white people, as opposed to Black people, about household chores, with the latter group more overloaded than the former group. Traditional class and race inequalities concerning the Brazilian population can contribute to the explanation for this. When in-person work returned, white political scientists began to outsource domestic care more than their nonwhite counterparts.

Cuadernos de Psicologia del Deporte ; 23(2):1-11, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | CAB Abstracts | ID: covidwho-2312660


The measure of physical isolation adopted during a pandemic affected the daily routine of the whole world, including in the sports environment. Therefore, the study sought to compare the coping strategies used by Paralympic boccia athletes during the pandemic period. The sample consisted of 43 athletes (30 men and 13 women) aged 29.95-11,76 years. To identify and measure coping strategies, the ACSI-28 (athletic coping skills inventory) questionnaire was used in its version adapted to Portuguese and added to an electronic form. In data analysis, normality was verified by the Shapiro-Wilk test. After that, all inferential comparison analyzes were measured via nonparametric statistical tests with paired post-hoc DSCF tests. Thus, the results showed that there were significant differences between comparisons in terms of experience, "+10 years", "5 to 10 years", and "1 to 3 years" on the subscales "goals and mental preparation" (6.00+or-1.75 vs 5+or-1.50 vs 5+or-1.50;p<0.05;ES: 0.26) and "trainability" (9.00+or-3.25 vs 6.00+or-0.500 vs 8.00+or-3.00;p<0.05;ES: 0.19). More and less experienced athletes in the boccia modality showed superiority in facing the pandemic period, as they obtained better indices in the "goals and mental preparation and trainability" dimensions of coping strategies compared to their peers with less experience.

Acs Biomaterials Science & Engineering ; 9(1):458-473, 2023.
Article in English | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-2243827


Even after over 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic, research on rapid, inexpensive, and accurate tests remains essential for controlling and avoiding the global spread of SARS-CoV-2 across the planet during a potential reappearance in future global waves or regional outbreaks. Assessment of serological responses for COVID-19 can be beneficial for population-level surveillance purposes, supporting the development of novel vaccines and evaluating the efficacy of different immunization programs. This can be especially relevant for broadly used inactivated whole virus vaccines, such as CoronaVac, which produced lower titers of neutralizing antibodies. and showed lower efficacy for specific groups such as the elderly and immunocompromised. We developed an impedimetric biosensor based on the immobilization of SARS-CoV-2 recombinant trimeric spike protein (S protein) on zinc oxide nanorod (ZnONR)-modified fluorine-doped tin oxide substrates for COVID-19 serology testing. Due to electrostatic interactions, the negatively charged S protein was immobilized via physical adsorption. The electrochemical response of the immunosensor was measured at each modification step and characterized by scanning electron microscopy and electrochemical techniques. We successfully evaluated the applicability of the modified ZnONR electrodes using serum samples from COVID-19 convalescent individuals, CoronaVac-vaccinated with or without positive results for SARS-CoV-2 infection, and pre-pandemic samples from healthy volunteers as controls. ELISA for IgG anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike protein was performed for comparison, and ELISA for IgG anti-RBDs of seasonal coronavirus (HCoVs) was used to test the specificity of immunosensor detection. No cross-reactivity with HCoVs was detected using the ZnONR immunosensor, and more interestingly, the sensor presented higher sensitivity when compared to negative ELISA results. The results demonstrate that the ZnONRs/spike-modified electrode displayed sensitive results for convalescents and vaccinated samples and shows excellent potential as a tool for the population's assessment and monitoring of seroconversion and seroprevalence.

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 44(Supplement 2):S688-S689, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2179259


Objetivo: Avaliar se os marcadores de endoteliopatias continuamente elevados apos a alta hospitalar por COVID-19 possui correlacao com o tempo de internacao dos pacientes. Materiais e Metodos: Foram recrutados 97 pessoas sobreviventes de COVID-19 com a infeccao confirmada pelo ensaio de RT-PCR (PCR real time) de 18 a 65 anos internadas na unidade de terapia intensiva de dois grandes hospitais de referencia regionais. Os voluntarios dos tres grupos estavam curados ha pelo menos 30 dias da convocacao. Todos assinaram o Termo de Consentimento Livre Esclarecido (TCLE) e a pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comite de Etica da Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, sob numero CAAE 37094020.6.0000.5060. A infeccao pelo SARS-CoV-2 precedeu a vacinacao completa dos pacientes estudados (considerando 2 doses minimas). Os participantes responderam um formulario no RedCap e os dados relacionados a internacao foram adquiridos junto aos hospitais. Foram analisados dois marcadores que podem indicar a endoteliopatia: Fator de von Willebrand Antigeno (FvW:Ag) e D-dimero (DD). O teste de multipla regressao linear foi usado para estabelecer a diferenca entre o tempo de internacao e os parametros avaliados e foi considerado significativa p < 0,05. Resultados: Pacientes com o FvW:Ag e FVIII >150% apos a alta tiveram a media do tempo de internacao de 12 dias e mediana de 10 dias, em contrapartida, pacientes com niveis normais de FvW:Ag e FVIII internaram em media 10 dias e a mediana foi de 8 dias, p=0,0536 e p=0,1539 respectivamente. Os pacientes com o DD >500 mg/dL apos a alta tiveram a media do tempo de Internacao de 11,6 dias e mediana de 10 dias, os pacientes com niveis normais de DD internaram em media 10,75 dias e a mediana 8 dias, p < 0,0001. Discussao: Os marcadores de endoteliopatias FvW:Ag, FVIII e DD demonstraram em um estudo anterior desse mesmo grupo de pesquisa diferenca significativa quando comparados ao grupo controle de participantes que tambem tiveram COVID-19 a nivel ambulatorial (p < 0,05), indicando que esses marcadores permanecem alterados significantemente em pacientes que internaram na UTI apos a alta hospitalar. Varios estudos apontaram os marcadores avaliados nesse trabalho como possivelmente alterados na fase aguda da COVID-19, predizendo a forma grave da doenca. Nao foi estabelecido apos uma analise multivariada uma correlacao entre o FvW:Ag e FVIII continuamente alterados apos a alta hospitalar e o tempo em que os pacientes ficaram internados. Entretanto, o DD alterado apos a alta demonstrou correlacao positiva com o aumento do tempo de internacao dos pacientes, corroborando com outros estudos. Conclusao: A endoteliopatia por infeccao endotelial direta com SARS-CoV-2 e os danos indiretos causados pela inflamacao desempenham o papel predominante no desenvolvimento e agravamento da COVID-19. As consequencias do desbalanceamento do sistema pro e anti trombotico estao relacionados com o tempo de internacao dos pacientes. A COVID-19 longa, na fase pos-aguda, e uma sindrome caracterizada pela persistencia dos sintomas clinicos alem de quatro semanas do inicio dos sintomas agudos e pode estar associada a resquicios da endoteliopatia causada pela infeccao. Copyright © 2022

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 44(Supplement 2):S685-S686, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2179254


Objetivo: Avaliar os niveis de marcadores inflamatorios endoteliais e plasmaticos em pacientes apos a alta da internacao por COVID-19. Materiais e Metodos: Foram recrutados 226 pessoas diagnosticadas com a COVID-19 confirmadas pelo ensaio de RT-PCR (PCR real time) de 18 a 65 anos, divididos em tres grupos: controle ambulatorial (Grupo A, n=82), enfermaria (Grupo B, n=47) e UTI (Grupo C, n=97). Os voluntarios dos tres grupos estavam curados ha pelo menos 30 dias da convocacao. Todos assinaram o Termo de Consentimento Livre Esclarecido (TCLE) e a pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comite de Etica da Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, sob numero CAAE 37094020.6.0000.5060. A infeccao pelo SARS-CoV-2 precedeu a vacinacao completa dos pacientes estudados (considerando 2 doses minimas). Foram dosados os seguintes marcadores: Fator de von Willebrand Ag (FvWAg), D-dimero (DD), Fator VIII (FVIII), Fibrinogenio (FIB), Hemoglobina glicada (HbA1c), Interleucina-6 (IL-6) e Fator de Necrose Tumoral alfa (TNF-alpha). O teste de multiplas comparacoes Dunn's foi usado para estabelecer a diferenca entre os grupos e foi considerado significativa p<0,05. Resultados: FVIII: Grupo A (Amb) vs. Grupo B (Enf) = p>0,9999 e Grupo A vs. Grupo C (UTI), p=0,0789. FvWAg: Grupo A vs. Grupo B, p=0,8277 e Grupo A vs. Grupo C, p=0,0361. DD: Grupo A vs. Grupo B, p=0,2090 e Grupo A vs. Grupo C, p=0,0010. HbA1c: Grupo A vs. Grupo B, p=0,2680 e Grupo A vs. Grupo C, p<0,0001. FIB: Grupo A vs. Grupo B, p>0,9999 e Grupo A vs. Grupo C, p=0,3363. IL-6: Grupo A vs. Grupo B, p>0,9999 e Grupo A vs. Grupo C, p>0,9999. TNF-alpha: Grupo A vs. Grupo B, p>0,9999 e Grupo A vs. Grupo C, p=0,4149. Discussao: Os Grupos A e B nao obtiveram diferenca significante (p<0,05) nos parametros avaliados. Os pacientes do Grupo C quando comparados ao Grupo A demonstraram uma diferenca significativa apenas nas dosagens de FvWAg, HbA1c e DD. Varios estudos apontaram os marcadores avaliados nesse trabalho como possivelmente alterados na fase aguda da COVID-19, predizendo a forma grave da doenca. Niveis sericos de IL-6 e TNF-alpha apos a alta nao divergiram entre os grupos estudados, indicando nesse trabalho que os niveis pre ou pos COVID-19 desse marcador nao estao relacionados com a resposta adversa obtida no Grupo C. Uma correlacao positiva entre o FvWAg e o DD favorece um mau prognostico, e isso sustenta o desequilibrio entre os processos pro e anticoagulantes diretamente relacionados a disfuncao endotelial em pacientes com COVID-19 que foram internados na UTI. A transformacao da inflamacao em fibrose tecidual, remodelacao vascular envolvida em hipoxia, dano de celulas endoteliais vasculares, estado de hipercoagulabilidade, e mudancas continuas nos marcadores plasmaticos contribuem para a lesao pulmonar pos-alta. Conclusao: Alteracoes vasculares sao preditivos relevantes para a mortalidade hospitalar. O retorno a normalidade dos marcadores depois de no minimo 30 dias apos a infeccao e um bom prognostico para eventos similares futuros. A permanencia das alteracoes apos a alta hospitalar do grupo C (UTI) pode indicar alteracoes pre-existentes nesse grupo (como Doencas cardiovasculares e pulmonares), aumento na quantidade de sequelas pos infeccao pelo SARS-CoV-2, bem como predisposicao a novos agravamentos considerando o estado continuo de lesao vascular. Copyright © 2022

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 44(Supplement 2):S202, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2179128


The structural changes involving the long arm of chromosome 3 at bands 3q21 and 3q26.2 in the form of inversion are named paracentric inversion inv(3)(q21q26.2) and in myeloid neoplasms have long been recognized, but are rare. The 3q21q26 syndrome usually occurs in a high-risk myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) or the setting of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and is most commonly reported as inv(3)(q21q26.2). Myeloid neoplasms with inv(3) are rare disorders with an incidence of 1% in MDS and AML. Thus, this report aims to show a patient with MDS and high platelets count who presented inv(3)(q21q26.2). A 72-year-old woman looked for medical attention due to fatigue and weakness. The patient reported a history of smoking for 41 years and denied any exposure to toxic agents. At physical examination, only pale was detected. A complete blood count revealed hemoglobin 7g/dL, MCV = 94 fL, leukocytes 5,600/mm3, neutrophils 2,242/mm3 and thrombocytosis with a platelet count of 514,000/mm3. Bone marrow aspirate showed dyserythropoiesis in 30% of cells and 6,5% blasts. The bone marrow cytogenetic analysis showed 46,XX,inv(3)(q21q26.2)[16]/46,XX[4]. The diagnosis of MDS with excess blasts - 1 was established according to the 2016 World Health Organization classification and International Prognostic Scoring System was very high. While waiting for beginning treatment, the patient died of respiratory failure due to COVID-19. Myelodysplastic syndrome with inv(3)(q21q26.2) is a rare aggressive disorder that occurs in less than 1% of all MDS cases and has been associated with a poor outcome: chemoresistance, high risk of leukemic transformation and short survival. Our case showed thrombocytosis with a platelet count of 514,000/mm3. The incidence of thrombocytosis in MDS has been reported in 8% of cases with platelets > 400 x109/L. The major report which evaluated thrombocytosis in MDS studied 2,042 cases, detecting high platelets count in 5% of cases (102/2,042). It appears that thrombocytosis does not adequately capture the aggressive nature of inv(3)(q21q26.2) in MDS but still plays an important role in the pathogenesis of this heterogeneous and dynamic disease. Our patient reported herein showed dyserythropoiesis in 30% of cells and 6,5% blasts, but nothing was detected regarding megakaryocytic lineage. Our patient died very soon after diagnosis due to viral infection. Thrombocytosis is an unusual clinical feature in MDS associated with inv(3)(q21q26.2) and the unfavorable prognosis of inv(3) is independent of thrombocytosis. Copyright © 2022

Revista Cientifica Multidisciplinar RECIMA21 ; 3(8), 2022.
Article in Portuguese | CAB Abstracts | ID: covidwho-2146697


The objective of this work was to obtain the perception of the population about: (1) the importance of immunization;(2) knowledge of methodologies (genetic manipulation) used for vaccine production;(3) acceptance of the vaccine against COVID-19. To this end, an online questionnaire produced via Google Forms was made available. This form was disseminated in various virtual environments such as academic and social media. Over six months, 353 responses were obtained. In this survey, responses were obtained from participants residing in 14 states in Brazil. Considering the investigation about vaccines, the results showed that most (90.6%) have already been vaccinated, as well as their families, and understand the importance of immunization. The techniques of genetic manipulation are complex and more widespread in the scientific environment, so it was observed that a large part of the interviewed population does not have an opinion on the subject. The research showed that because of the state of calamity caused by the pandemic, people had urgency in immunization, even with distrust in aspects such as efficiency. Currently, it is clear that vaccination does not prevent infection with the virus, but minimizes the damage caused by the infection. Data from the Ministry of Health show that the number of cases and deaths has reduced by more than 40%, showing once again the effectiveness and necessity of immunization of the population.

Revista on Line De Politica E Gestao Educacional ; 26, 2022.
Article in English | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-2006685


This research is part of a set of investigations conducted during the pandemic of COVID-19 and has as its problem the following question: Is there a difference between the perception of the protection network and the adults in the school (managers and teachers) about the interventions made by the school regarding conflicts involving aggression and disobedience to the rules by adolescents? To answer this question, we have as a general objective to verify the perception of teachers, managers, and other members of the protection network about the interventions made by the school regarding conflicts that involve aggression and disobedience to rules by adolescents. As specific objectives we aimed to verify if there are differences between the perception of adults who work in schools and other members of the protection network, and to verify if there are differences between the perception of teachers and managers about these interventions made by the school. Participating in the investigation were managers, teachers, and other actors in the protection network from different agencies, such as the Guardianship Council, Public Ministry, Social Assistance, and Health. We found a difference in perception between those who work at school and those who work in other organs of the protection network in relation to referrals to coexistence problems, with the school's actions being based on punitive sanctions, reinforcing the importance of training processes with the professionals of the school institution and articulation actions among all actors of the protection network.

Article in Spanish | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1969775


This paper discusses the pandemic generated by the new coronavirus as a phenomenon related to the contexts of ethnic-social inequalities and systemic crises linked to colonialism. Racial injustices are believed to contribute to the diminishing capacities of black artists to dream, think and act. Therefore, we begin with the question: "What strategies have been designed to encourage black artists to resume their creative skills in the context of the pandemic?". The area of coverage is the state of Paraiba in Brazil. The goal is to share the processes related to the actions of the Forum of Black Artists of Paraiba in the fight for the implementation of anti-racist public policies for the Arts in times of pandemic. Theoretically, the concept of decoloniality is addressed as a collective project capable of generating emancipation through combative attitudes against the continuity of modern colonialism. We discuss the importance of valuing aspects of self-reflection, creative criticism and activism in the processes of resistance to the representations of racism and colonialism. The aim of this discussion is to guarantee the visibility of the importance of black cultural agents, involved in the chain of formation of culture, to become aware of the damage caused by racism and to create conditions for the promotion of racial equity for a more just society.

Comparative Federalism and Covid-19: Combating the Pandemic ; : 239-257, 2021.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-1924489


This chapter discusses the dual nature of Brazilian federalism and the strengthening of subnational autonomy, as evidenced during the Covid-19 pandemic. On one hand, the crisis highlighted the importance of the federal government in the institutional arrangement of Brazilian federalism, which is highly centralised;on the other, it has provided greater scope for action by state governments, whose political power has gradually diminished over the 30 years since the 1988 Constitution came into being. Municipalities have also played a stronger role based on their local interest. To analyse those aspects, the chapter presents the constitutional design of the Brazilian federation and the public policies in health and disaster management to contain the pandemic, demonstrating that the intergovernmental relations generated by the very nature of federalism were indispensable in enabling Brazil to address the pandemic and so prevent worse outcomes in terms of public health. Additionally, the expanded autonomy of states and municipalities during the pandemic, due to a Supreme Court decision, was fundamental to the struggle against the denialism of the President Jair Bolsonaro, who neglected his federal responsibilities. © 2022 selection and editorial matter, Nico Steytler.

Applied Sciences-Basel ; 12(12):21, 2022.
Article in English | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1917265


Featured Application A new device to support oxygen therapy for patients diagnosed with severe COVID-19. The need for mechanical ventilation is one of the main concerns related to the care of patients with COVID-19. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of a bubble device for oxygen supplementation. This device was implemented for the selected patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19 pneumonia with persistent low oxygen saturation. Patients were selected in three major COVID-19 hospitals of Bahia state in Brazil from July to November 2020, where they remained with the device for seven days and were monitored for different factors, such as vital signs, oximetry evaluation, and arterial blood gasometry. Among the 51 patients included in the study, 68.63% successfully overcame hypoxemia without the necessity to be transferred to mechanical ventilation, whereas 31.37% required tracheal intubation (p value < 0.05). There was no difference of note on the analysis of the clinical data, chemistry, and hematological evaluation, with the exception of the SpO(2) on follow-up days. Multivariate analysis revealed that the independent variable, male sex, SpO(2), and non-inhaled mask, was associated with the necessity of requiring early mechanical ventilation. We concluded that this bubble device should be a prior step to be utilized before indication of mechanical ventilation in patients with persistent hypoxemia of severe COVID-19 pneumonia.

Index de Enfermeria ; 30(3):219-223, 2021.
Article in Spanish | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1865902


Objective: The objective was to analyze the health conditions of people living on the streets, in the COVID-19 scenario, based on the contributions of the Environ-mental Theory. Methods: This is a theoretical-reflexive analysis. Results: Two cate-gories were developed: The dichotomy between living on the street and the Night-ingalian assumptions and;The reality of people living on the street in times of pan-demic by COVID-19. The first category addressed the difference between what is experienced by people on the street and what the Nightingalian assumptions say about health conditions. The second category showed the insertion of these people in the context of prevention measures. Final considerations: It is of fundamental importance to discuss the access to prevention and health promotion strategies by these people and to promote specific actions for the reality in which they live.

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 43:S367-S368, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1859660


A Acreditação é a mais impactante estratégia de melhoria que prioriza a segurança e que busca o aprimoramento contínuo. O Programa QMentum Internacional teve início em novembro de 2019 com aplicação de visitas preparatórias, inicialmente presenciais, promovendo o desenvolvimento educacional em 08 Bancos de Sangue e mais de 140 agências transfusionais de 240 hospitais e clínicas, totalizando mais de 220 mil pacientes atendidos anualmente em 16 Estados brasileiros. A proposta desafiadora diante da amplitude do Grupo se tornaria ainda mais complexa, pois, com apenas três meses de projeto, tivemos o surgimento da pandemia do coronavírus. Mesmo diante das adversidades a Alta Gestão do Grupo entendeu a necessidade de fortalecer a Cultura de Segurança na Instituição. Objetivo: Descrever estratégias para obtenção da Certificação, bem como, a Cultura de Segurança, enraizada e cultivada em todas as esferas dos processos. Método: Utilizados os dados do projeto da Acreditação e da Pesquisa de Cultura de Segurança. Resultados: O Grupo conquistou a Certificação Internacional QMentum Diamond, o mais alto nível de excelência. Esse passo traz a consolidação da Cultura de Segurança Institucional além do nivelamento demonstrado nos resultados sistêmicos de excelência. Discussão: Após as visitas de diagnóstico, foram selecionadas as ROPs (Required Organizational Pratices), são práticas organizacionais obrigatórias respaldadas em evidências. Com as 14 ROPs, a Qualidade traçou o plano de ação para disseminar os conceitos e engajar os profissionais (cerca de 1700) com a proposta de assimilar que não teriam novas atividades, mas apenas uma forma nova de nomear as rotinas já executadas, solidificando a Cultura de Segurança. O planejamento conteve, por exemplo: 1. Vídeos Institucionais: de curta duração, vinculados por via whatsapp e e-mails, contendo exemplos de aplicação dos testes de conformidades e suas evidências, favorecendo assimilação das boas práticas. 2. Cartilha do Programa QMentum Internacional: distribuída de forma impressa e individual, contextualizando e correlacionando a identidade organizacional e planejamento estratégico do Grupo com o processo de Acreditação. 3. Auditorias Internas: o checklist desenvolvido especificamente para cada setor, com teste de conformidade de 75% por ROP, desta maneira, foram desenvolvidos crachás para os colaboradores, colecionarem os 14 bottons, diante da performance obtida gerando um clima competitivo, amistoso e emponderando os colaboradores como identificadores e condutores das melhorias. 4. Pesquisa de Cultura de Segurança: avalia as percepções dos profissionais sobre as práticas de segurança e o compromisso da gestão, bem como, a concretização desta como estratégia institucional, fortalecendo o clima organizacional, obtendo média de 87% de conformidade na primeira aplicação. O projeto foi realizado de forma robusta, com demais ações. Conclusão: Uma trajetória brilhante, com interação corporativa, focado nas diretrizes e padrões globais com consolidação da Cultura de Segurança, a Certificação apenas reflete as boas práticas vivenciadas todos os dias pelos colaboradores do Grupo GSH.

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 43:S362-S363, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1859656


O Grupo GSH, para garantir o cumprimento de sua missão: “Prover Soluções em Hemoterapia com Excelência, Segurança e Inovação”, adotou como estratégia a aquisição do Selo COVID FREE por meio da implantação e adequação de práticas preventivas para o enfrentamento do Coronavírus. O Grupo encontra-se atualmente em 16 Estados, com 06 Centros de Produção certificados com o Selo COVID FREE e mais de 120 Agências Transfusionais que prestam assistência hemoterápica para mais de 240 hospitais e clínicas. Diante do crescimento do Grupo, entende-se que a Equipe de Qualidade é de suma importância à medida que oferece suporte contínuo durante o processo de certificação e manutenção das diretrizes e boas práticas de gerenciamento de riscos e gestão. Objetivo: O principal objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar quantitativamente e qualitativamente os benefícios da implantação e acompanhamento das boas práticas preventivas para o enfrentamento do Coronavírus pela Certificação COVID FREE. Material e método: Para desenvolvimento deste artigo, utilizamos dados coletados da plataforma BE SOLUTIONS-COVID FREE, Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade AS – Strategic Adviser, treinamentos, Pesquisa de Cultura de Segurança/Clima Organizacional e Auditorias Internas realizadas pela equipe da Qualidade. Resultados: Após implantação da Certificação COVID FREE nos Centros de Produção, foi evidenciado mesmo durante os períodos mais críticos da Pandemia COVID-19 a manutenção dos níveis de satisfação dos doadores com média de 98, 33% e em relação aos pacientes a média foi de 99,72%. É importante ressaltar que para avaliar a satisfação dos colaboradores foi realizada uma Pesquisa de Cultura de Segurança/Clima Organizacional com média de satisfação de 93%. Discussão: No segundo semestre de 2021 foi iniciado o processo de implantação e adequação das boas práticas de segurança para o enfrentamento do Coronavírus nos Centros de Produção do Grupo GSH, conforme os padrões estabelecidos no Manual de Certificação COVID FREE. Durante a implantação seguimos as seguintes etapas: 1. Diagnóstico: Autoavaliação das unidades. 2. Implantação: Sensibilização dos colaboradores e adequação das práticas de segurança através do distanciamento físico, higienização e limpeza, utilização de equipamentos de proteção, monitoramento de saúde física e mental dos colaboradores, elaboração de informativos específicos de prevenção e controle, treinamentos, fortalecimento da comunicação efetiva elaboração de planos de contingência, dentre outros. Posteriormente foi realizado o upload das evidências, conforme requisitos do manual na Plataforma IBES Digital. 3. Certificação: Os avaliadores validaram as evidências, por meio da análise de documentos, entrevistas e fotos. Após avaliação emitiram o certificado aos Centros de Produção contemplados no escopo da Certificação. Conclusão: A implantação da Certificação foi de grande valia para o Grupo GSH, pois auxiliou na manutenção de um ambiente seguro conferindo credibilidade em relação as boas práticas de segurança na produção, operação e atendimento aos clientes. É importante salientar que o suporte da Equipe da Qualidade foi fundamental na disseminação e acompanhamento das diretrizes estabelecidas pela Certificação.

27th Brazilian Congress on Biomedical Engineering, CBEB 2020 ; 83:1183-1187, 2022.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-1826143


The present work describes the technological development of a low-cost and miniaturized instrument to Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for detection of Sars-CoV-2 ribonucleic acid (RNA) and, potentially, an open platform for detection of other microorganisms. Most devices use a big aluminum bar coupled to a peltier to heat and cool the reaction tube;however, a lot of energy is wasted in the process. To take advantage of the energy and reduce cost–benefit of the device, we introduced the Joule Effect in the printed circuit board for heating samples, and a computer fan for cooling. Other improvements such as a precise heating sample spot, and a LM35 thermal sensor with a PID (proportional integral-derivative) algorithm to control the circuit temperature, have also been included. The processes were carried out based on cost–benefit and performance to bring to the market a robust detection platform for in vitro diagnostic tests. © 2022, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

Humanidades & Inovacao ; 8(62):186-198, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1790160


The imposition of corporal isolation and the physical closure of schools required adaptations and transformations in basic education institutions with regard to forms of contact and teaching-learning actions. The aim of this study was to describe and reflect on the tactics and strategies of the UFRGS College of Application in the face of the need for social isolation and maintenance of teaching activities. Certeau's theory was used to analyze the tactics and strategies used by the school in this period. As methodological procedures, public documents were used, in which content analysis resulted in three analytical categories: remote directed studies, digital inclusion, and the food kit. The results showed the transformation of counter-hegemonic tactics to combat social inequality and access to education into power strategies for maintaining remote studies.

Current Psychology ; : 12, 2022.
Article in English | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1694291


Learning, leisure, social, and movement activities are essential facets of children ' s development affecting their physical, mental, and social well-being. During the first Covid-19 lockdown and post-lockdown period, children ' s everyday lives were disrupted and altered in significant ways for an extended period, raising several concerns regarding its negative effects. This study investigated children ' s daily activities during the lockdown and post-lockdown period, considering child and family factors that influenced their participation, and the effects of daily activities on child well-being. Cross-sectional data were collected during June and July 2020 from a sample of 3(rd) and 4(th) graders (n = 110) and their parents. Participants reported the intensity of children ' s weekly participation in various learning, leisure, socializing, and movement activities, child and family characteristics, and child well-being outcomes. Findings indicate an overall pattern characterized by a higher prevalence of sedentary behaviors (screen time) and a lower prevalence of active leisure and playing activities, particularly among socioeconomically vulnerable children. Compared to boys, girls were less physically active but engaged more in play and social activities. In addition, sleep, active leisure, playing and learning activities, and family coping strategies were linked to better overall child well-being. These findings help identify promising avenues for effective intervention strategies, at the family and community levels, aimed at promoting child well-being and mitigating harm during the present and future crises.